Friday, July 4, 2008

Obama to make acceptance speech at Invesco Field.

Though I didn't think that I would ever get into politics in this blog, I've actually got a reason to. Barack Obama will most likely make his acceptance speech at Invesco Field at Mile High, instead of at the Pepsi Center.

Here's the article courtesy of TPM Election Central

Report: Obama Camp Considering Football Stadium For Acceptance Speech

The Associated Press is reporting tonight that the Obama campaign is considering a novel idea for staging his acceptance speech at the convention: Don't actually give it at the convention, but at a much larger venue in Denver.

Instead of speaking at the Pepsi Center, which seats 21,000 people, in this scenario Obama would speak at Invesco Field, the site of the Denver Broncos games that holds 76,000 -- an astonishing number for a political gathering. Obama previously spoke to a similar-sized crowd in the run-up to the Oregon primary, and could almost certainly fill the stadium for his acceptance speech.

Franklin Roosevelt began the tradition of nominees directly addressing their conventions back in 1932, and it's been taken for granted ever since then. But the Obama camp's idea, if put into practice, would seriously outdo FDR.

Late Update: As commenters have noted, Invesco Field is not across town from the Pepsi Center, but is in fact right nearby.

Well... there you have it. May the President bless the Broncos, second to last time that happened we won the Super Bowl...

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